My Touring Companion!

Many folks who bicycle tour like to travel with a partner. A tour partner offers several benefits…someone to share both the joys and the sorrows of the day, another set of hands in case of mechanical issues, another set of eyes to watch for turns or road hazards, and someone to share the cooking.  As far as traveling partners go, I believe I have the best! He doesn't say much…but he is always ready to listen.  Every time I pack my panniers and load them on my bike, he is always there... ready to go…and yet, pedaling really isn’t his thing.

My wife worries about me... and perhaps with good cause. Whenever I head out on another bicycle trip her anxiety increases. She tells me she worries about me traveling alone. But for all the things related to bicycle travel and touring that could cause her stress, my traveling alone should not be one of them.

You see, ever since my first multi-day ride across the state of North Carolina I have a traveling companion. He is always there…rain or shine. He never matter how tough the riding is. And while he does not say much... he does start a lot of conversations. He never asks for a bite of my food…leaving plenty of calories to fuel my remaining miles. At night he stays with my bike…an ever present sentinel standing watch over me and my stuff. His name is Dill!

Dill is not your average riding partner…Dill is a doll. Now, before you think I am completely crazy, you need to know the full story. At the church I serve as pastor we have a wonderful group of talented ladies, known as Chicks with Sticks, who meet weekly in knit and crochet. One of the regular projects they do is knitting little six inch dolls that are given to police officers and sheriff deputies to hand out to children in crisis, dropped off at the domestic violence shelter to be given to kids who come in with their mothers, and to others in the church and community who just need to be reminded that someone cares for them. And then, in 2018 as I was preparing for the "Mountains to Coast” ride across North Carolina they gifted me one of these special dolls as a reminder that I had people thinking of me. Attached to the stem of my bike he reminds me of those who love and pray for me... people within my own family, the church I serve, and friends and neighbors.

So, why Dill? Well, with my companion in hand and the ride quickly approaching, I was searching for the perfect name. During this time our daughter was expecting their first child... and our first grandchild. One day as we talked on the phone she mentioned that she had been to the doctor and that the baby was the size of a dill pickle. Even while the words were still echoing around in my head, I know I had the name... Dill!

All through the ride people would ask me about my riding companion and I would delight in telling then about Dill... about the Chicks with Sticks ministry and how Dill reminded me of all the people... my wife and folks at church... were praying for me. I also delighted in telling them about my yet-to-be-born, dill pickle sized, grandson.

So, Dill is still my bike traveling companion. In the world of bicycle touring mascots are not uncommon. Some cyclists pick up a mascot while on a ride as away of remembering a special place or event. Others, like me, carry a mascot as a way of carrying those closest to us along for the ride. When out on the road Dill still reminds me of my family and friends. He reminds me that I'm not alone... there are people who love and care for me who are praying for me.

So, you see, my wife need not worry about my being alone on my bicycle touring trip... for I have an amazing partner. Oh, and on March 4, 2019 our first grandchild was born. And while our daughter and son-in-law selected what by all accounts is a terrific name, I have a special nickname...from grandfather to grandson. I call him...Dill!

See you soon!

- PJ
