Packing to Go!

So this weekend, for vacation, we had plans to camp.  But a few things worked against us to so that didn't happen. No worries, we adjusted our plans to head on up to see our eight month old grandson...and his parents.  But then a family emergency/crisis came up and we again changed our plans.  One thing I'm trying to learn better is to adjust plans with the flow of life.  Anyway, with the hecticness of life this past weekend, I still wanted to post an article. So, here I'll share a bit about packing for a camping trip. Afterall, that was our original plan...

Come January, my wife and I will have been married 29 years!  And during that time, she has learned a lot about me.  One of the things she learned (probably not by choice, but out of necessity and experience) is that I can’t remember squat!  I try…but things just tumble out of my mind and into some lost abyss.  Of course, there are those random, unimportant things that seem to always be present in my memory, but when it comes to things I really need to remember…well, I’m just plumb out of luck.

That may be one reason I love my phone so much.  Not that I am particularly attracted to small, portable communication devices…but that with the advent of smart phones it is like having a second brain.  My phone, tablet, desktop computer, and laptop computer all have identical programs.  I love my calendar…I can put something in there, set a reminder, and I don’t have to remember anything!  When that date and time arrive, I receive a gentle reminder.  I love it.  And because I use cloud storage for everything, no matter which device I have on me I have access to anything and everything I may need.  So…I suppose by now you are wondering what this has to do with anything related to this blog?  Well, I’ll tell you.  Lists!  I have grown to depend on lists.  I have weekly to-do lists, I have shopping lists, I have wish lists.  I have all kinds of lists on my electronic devices.  And…relevant to this site…I have a packing list for camping.

Actually, that is not entirely true.  I have a packing list for when I go car camping.  I have a packing list for when I do a bicycle tour.  And I have a packing list for when I do a simple overnight bicycle tour. (OK, this one is similar to the first bicycle touring packing list, only with fewer things!)  I’ll share my packing list (in PDF form) here, in case you are looking for one.  As with so many other things, my camping packing list is a continual work in progress.

I have chosen to divide my list up into sections.  This seems to make it easier to organize and keep track of things.

The first category on my packing list is “Camping Kit”.  This is basically comfort things (though, some of the items are necessities), such as tent, kitchen canopy, chairs, flashlights, fan, etc…   Sure I could sleep under the stars without a tent…but when that rain shower blows through or the mosquitos begin a feeding frenzy, a tent is indispensable.  Most of these things are kept in a big plastic bin.  This makes it easy to store them when I’m not camping, and it makes packing easier because so much is already together.  But, I will add that our kitchen canopy is big/bulky and is kept in its own carrying case, and I also keep our tent and canopy tarp, along with my sleeping bag in a large, rolling duffle bag. 

The second category is “Sleep Kit”.  This is basically my bedroom.  It is all the things I need in order to sleep at night and rest.  The bedding, pillows, and ear plugs go in the same bin as the “Camping Kit” while the air mattress and sleeping bag go in the large, rolling duffle bag mentioned above.

The next category is the “Camp Kitchen”.  Actually, I would list the next two categories together, “Camp Kitchen” and “Cooking Kit”.  For the way I set up and organize, these two categories contain the “stuff” that make up my kitchen and is kept under the Kitchen Canopy.  You will notice that this should be most everything you need to keep yourself alive, from a nutritional standpoint, other than the food.  So, why do I divide these two things into two categories rather than having one longer category?  Well, when I was compiling this list initially there seemed to be some logic in a category for things that “resided” and were used beneath the Kitchen Canopy (which became the “Camp Kitchen” category) and a separate categories for things actually related to cooking and food preparation.  The items in the “Cooking Kit” category get their own bin while most of the items in the “Camp Kitchen” category are paced separately or with other items.    

Continuing down my packing list some things are pretty straight forward.  “Personal Care Kit” is just a reminder to pack those things I know I need whenever I travel.  In my day to day life I would call this my “Saving Kit”, but putting “Personal Care Kit” on this packing list just seems more “outdoorsy”.  These things get packed in the suitcase/duffle bag with all of my clothing.

Cleaning Supplies is pretty self-explanatory…it is a list of all the things I believe I need to keep my tent and campsite clean.

Perhaps some will find the next category a little odd for an outdoor camping trip designed to get you out to enjoy the great outdoors…but I think its important.  From communicating with family and friends, editing photos, or reading, my computer, tablet, and phone are indispensable.  Make your own decisions on this one…but in my experience, if you are going to take electronic devices then I find a list is helpful to be sure I have all I need.

Clothes may be a no brainer, but I like it.  You see, it serves as a gentle reminder to carry clothing items for a variety of weather conditions.  I guess the words of an old friend still ring in my mind, “There is no such thing as bad weather…just poor choice of clothing.”  So, pack in order to be prepared!

Admittedly I am a list maker.  Sometimes I follow them “to-the-t’ and other times not so much.  But I find no matter how closely I may/may not follow them they are extremely helpful in assuring I have the things with me that I intend to. 

Throughout this description I have mentioned that I use bins to pact gear.  They are extremely helpful in keeping things organized, together, and safe.  Generally, I have a food bin, a kitchen bin, and a camp/sleeping bin.  Most of these items stay in their bin when I’m home and not camping…which make packing up to go camping so much easier.  And as an extra benefit, when camping these bins make great tables…whether besides your bed or next to your camp chair.

I hope this helps you in your own preparation for a camping trip.  And don’t forget…any packing list is a work in progress!

See you soon!
-          PJ
